In “Alter Echo” players assume the role of Nevin, sent on a mission he does not yet understand to a planet whose very surface is alive. Interstellar corporations mine the planet’s organic skin — a substance called Plast — and use it to make bio-machines. Nevin is one of the rare “Shapers” who can psychically alter Plast — and time itself. Nevin discovers that illegal experiments have infected Plast with human consciousness, and now he must fight for survival against a world gone mad, an entire planet that is using its bio-mechanical properties to spawn enemy after enemy to destroy him.
An advanced real-time skeletal morphing system lets players to change between Melee, Gun and Stealth modes on the fly and during combat. The Outrage-developed TimeDilation system allows players to freeze the action and cue up an unstoppable flurry of moves and special attacks. The groundbreaking PostFX camera system intensifies every action with mind-blowing visual effects, camera filters, and screen distortions.
Release Date: August 18, 2003.
Region(s): North America, Europe
Resolutions Supported: 480p
Widescreen Supported (16:9): Nes
System Link Support: No