What’s good folks!
Early morning gives more time to spend the day with, right? Damn I’m tired lol! Maybe that’s because I have been playing Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden all nights long! And I must say that the game is very addictive.
I’m not sure if it’s still free on EPIC STORE but to be sure check it out here and see if it’s free on your region. Like a said, the game is very addictive and it’s not easy at all even if you play on normal like me. You really need to use your head to make your turns or you will be pwned.
But the best thing about the game is that it’s developed by Swedes in Sweden! So, check that game out my friend.
Other then that I’m hosting the (25 to Life) on the OGXBOX\360 tonight (my time) so I hope you guys have your game ready! You can check out the original post here and also follow the countdown timer.