What’s good folks! Do you guys also having vacation? If so I’m hope you having some relaxing time and a lot of sun!
Anyways. I’m planning a new event on the OGXBOX that will be launched in about 1-1,5 weeks. I like to announce my events early so the word can be spread out so we can get a nice big event.
I know there is some heat on SWBF2 and it’s often mentioned in our Discord and I often see people creating rooms on Xlink kai and pushing invite links in our #gametimeplanning. And the event that I had on SWBF2 before has always been a success.
But I also promised Far Cry Evo and that’s why I’m making a poll for these 2 games. So I want you to vote on the game that you want to play on my next event.
Vote will end in..
SWBF2 come on guys! Vote vote!