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Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Home Tags GAMING


Det rullar på!

Hoppas allt är bra med er alla! Här rullar allt på i sin vanliga ordning med familj, träning och annan lös hobby som får mig att må bra. Denna...

Vi fortsätter att leverera nybakat!

Sitter på h4ck och kollar tillbaka på lite gamla inlägg jag gjort om Call of Duty och hur jag har drömmar om att skapa en helt ny grej, en...

New profile picture coming up

I found this author on Facebook that makes gaming profile pictures to people (not for free). First I saw him posting his pictures in a Twitch group on Facebook...

Play Together

För några veckor sedan fick jag ett PM på Facebook från en kille som heter William, han berättade om ett projekt som han hade som fokuserade på att få...

Dude! This bring back so many memories

Dude! This bring back so many memories Today I just got sick of Modern Warfare and when I get tired of a game, I play another right? And so, I...

ExitLag – Get rid of lag

First of all. This is not some kinda paid partnership or any kinda sponsoring. I have nothing to do with ExitLag I just wanted to share something that is...

Here’s the home-made chip who can only do one thing: Play Doom

Built with 666 lines of code burned into the wires, lookup tables and flip-flops on a Cyclone V FPGA circuit board. You can never get too much Doom. Some would...

Time to get back to work (And congrats to the winners..)

I must admit that there has been a lot of gaming this time when I've been off work. Most of what I have played is on the computer and...

Get any game on steam for free. Foundation [Play with enCyde]

For the love of the community I have started a new foundation named . You might have seen some changes on our discord. And with that I mean...

3 more shift!

What's good everyone. I'm busy with work for the moment so there haven't been any time for gaming or streaming. I'm in the hell-working-period but it's almost over and I'm...