Summer grind
What is good everyone!
I hope you all are doing good out there and are enjoying the summer to the fullest. You might have been notice that I have not...
Holiday is over
The holiday is coming to an end and it's time to get back to work for another work week. It has a been good holiday and both kids has...
Bad weather? Let’s get creative!
Yesterday the weather was rainy so we spent most of the time inside and if you have kids you know it’s a struggle to keep 2 kids activated inside...
Summer is going strong!
Summer is going strong and the weather is amazing, and I am still having vacation for one more week! And today we have been outside all day for some...
What the weather man!
Amazing weather over here right now and we are talking about 20-25 degrees and here I sit blogging on my website lol. Nah, we have been outside and after...
The weather today has been on top
The weather has been sick today! Almost 20 Celsius and no wind at all. If I look back on the past week it has been cold AF but today,...
There have been some busy days
It has been some busy days I must say and the biggest reason is that Christmas is coming up and work has sucked out many hours of my life...
Green screen fun! Jelly Belly Bean Boozled challenge with the kids!
Kids love YouTube no doubt and to make an own video is even more phun! And today we made that happen. They had no idea what I was going...