Woha! it’s finally here!… the vacation!

3 weeks off work. How badass isn’t that? and it’s summer time!. I jumped off the last night shift yesterday and waking up after that was a pretty nice feeling knowing that you are free for some time.

The weather isn’t with us right now, but that’s not a problem 😉 We don’t have any big plans this summer. We are just going to take one day after the other.

But i know for sure there will be some nice sixth generation gaming this summer! and you know that the Far Cry Evo competition is going to happen. And there will also be a lot of streaming.

Hope to see you guys around. Keep yourself updated by visiting the site.

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enCyde avatar
Stubborn and slightly annoyed nerd. I'm a Dad above all else. All articles and posts are made as a private person.
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