Wall of Shame


Welcome to the Wall of Shame —where the most unforgettable 1v1 moments from Call of Duty: Mobile are immortalized! This is the place where epic fails, embarrassing defeats, and unexpected takedowns are showcased for all to see.

If you’ve been caught slipping in a 1v1, you might just find yourself featured here. So, whether you’re looking to learn from others’ mistakes or just want a good laugh, the Wall of Shame has it all.

Watch, enjoy, and maybe even rethink your strategy before your next match!

#1 (zAaZ)

I was down to the final enemy. I could hear the roar of an engine getting closer—he was trying to finish me off by running me over with a car.

He thought he had me cornered, but I wasn’t going down that easily. As he barreled towards me, I stood my ground, shotgun at the ready.

Just as he closed in, I let loose a perfectly timed shot, blasting him out before he could get the kill. Victory was mine, and he never saw it coming!

#2 (Flechir)

The enemy player was jumping around like a maniac, tossing flashbangs left and right in a desperate attempt to disorient me.

But I kept my cool, tracking his every move. As he landed from his last jump, I lined up the shot and finished him off with precision. Now he’s just another name in my hall of shame.

#3 (ObiwanXenobi)

Don’t get greedy with the loot at the end of the circle. That legendary gear might be tempting, but lingering too long will make you an easy target.

The real danger isn’t the loot—it’s the vultures circling above, waiting to pick off anyone who dares to take too long. Grab what you need and move, or the birds will make you their next victim.

#4 (TISAK21CM)

The enemy stood on the hill like a piece of furniture, immovable and passive, as if part of the landscape itself.

He had no desire for the intensity of a one-on-one showdown, avoiding the heat of the final confrontation. Instead, they stayed rooted, unwilling to engage directly, content to blend into the surroundings rather than face the inevitable clash.