I am starting to get sick tired of Windows 10 and the updates they are rolling out. As you know I built a new streaming PC for a couple of weeks ago and NOW I am starting to have problems with it thanks to all the updates Windows is rolling out.
I want to keep my system up-to-date due to security so no rolling back version is an option here. The problem my system is getting is that when I boot into Windows my USB devices dies and I need to restart the machine manually a few times to get it working.
USB devices boots all good in the BIOS but as soon it hits Windows login it dies. It is annoying that I have to setup everything from start again and I have spent several hours to configure streamlabs on the machine. They are only good thing is that I have not configured other things so much because the system is just for streaming. So now I am going to re-install Windows.
Well, thank god for backups but Windows is getting really annoying with these kinds of issues.